Monday 7 April 2008

Dans La Grand Place

Given the remarkable survival of our trusty Untitled No. 37 we have
extended our European tour, and are now enjoying a Kriek in a bar
overlooking the best of Belgian architecture - the stuff that wasn't
destroyed in various conflicts that they unfortunatley were in the
middle of.
We've had our farewell meal, as tomorrow I head back to Holland for
work, leaving Jim and Ray to try to find a way back the UK. Our choice
of restaurant consisted of wandering down the Brick Lane of seafood in
Brussels and sucumbing to the first offer of free beer, followed by
completely blowing out this offer by ordering fois gras, lobster and a
rather cheeky burgundy. It is a fitting way to finish.
We will be publishing a more complete description of our trip on the
website but there maybe further updates here too,
as we are not home yet. I will be keeping the car and driving it home
on Friday, so that should be fun in itself. In the meantime, au revoir
from Jim Jim, Jesus Lebowski and Mars, as we have rather peculiarly
been named.

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