Wednesday 2 April 2008

Sea France experience

Currently standing in a stairwell on a ferry surrounded by a large
number of French school children unfortunately reinforcing a large
number of stereotypes. However we have a certain level of joy this
cannot interfere with as the pollock untitled 37 has got to Calais.
And the car started, so we aren't going to delay an entire ferry
unloading (we are at the front). Jim has been forceably volunteered to
not drink tonight, so more beers will ensue for me and Ray. In the
meantime Jim will probably enlighten you on the now infamous 'where
the fuck are all our documents' incident, where it must be said I got
a little arsey for reasons that were entirely my fault

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Can Jim, or some sober person, explain the promised 'where the fuck are the documents' incident??